interface PromptOptions {
    $rules: any;
    $type: string;
    addToHistory: Function;
    getCompletions: Function;
    getPrefix: Function;
    hasDescription: boolean;
    history: Function;
    ignoreFocusOut: boolean;
    maxHistoryCount: number;
    name: string;
    onAccept: Function;
    onCancel: Function;
    onInput: Function;
    placeholder: string;
    prompt: string;
    selection: [number, number];


$rules: any

Specific rules for input like password or regexp.

$type: string

Use prompt of specific type (gotoLine|commands|modes or default if empty).

addToHistory: Function
getCompletions: Function

Function for defining list of options for value.

getPrefix: Function

Function for defining current value prefix.

hasDescription: boolean

Set to true if prompt has description below input box.

history: Function

Function for defining history list.

ignoreFocusOut: boolean

Set to true to keep the prompt open when focus moves to another part of the editor.

maxHistoryCount: number
name: string

Prompt name.

onAccept: Function

Function called when Enter is pressed.

onCancel: Function

Function called when Esc|Shift-Esc is pressed.

onInput: Function

Function called when input is added to prompt input box.

placeholder: string

Placeholder for value.

prompt: string

Description below input box.

selection: [number, number]

Defines which part of the predefined value should be highlighted.

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