This object is used in various places to indicate a region within the editor. To better visualize how this works, imagine a rectangle. Each quadrant of the rectangle is analogous to a range, as ranges contain a starting row and starting column, and an ending row, and ending column.


  • Creates a new Range object with the given starting and ending rows and columns.


    • Optional startRow: number

      The starting row

    • Optional startColumn: number

      The starting column

    • Optional endRow: number

      The ending row

    • Optional endColumn: number

      The ending column

    Returns Range


end: Point
start: Point


  • Returns the part of the current Range that occurs within the boundaries of firstRow and lastRow as a new Range object.


    • firstRow: number

      The starting row

    • lastRow: number

      The ending row

    Returns Range

  • Returns a duplicate of the calling range.

    Returns Range

  • Returns a range containing the starting and ending rows of the original range, but with a column value of 0.

    Returns Range

  • Compares the row and column with the starting and ending [[Point]]'s of the calling range.


    • row: number

      A row to compare with

    • column: number

      A column to compare with

    Returns number

    This method returns one of the following numbers:

    • 1 if row is greater than the calling range
    • -1 if row is less then the calling range
    • 0 otherwise

    If the starting row of the calling range is equal to row, and:

    • column is greater than or equal to the calling range's starting column, this returns 0
    • Otherwise, it returns -1

    If the ending row of the calling range is equal to row, and:

    • column is less than or equal to the calling range's ending column, this returns 0
    • Otherwise, it returns 1
  • Compares the row and column with the starting and ending [[Point]]'s of the calling range.


    • row: number

      A row to compare with

    • column: number

      A column to compare with

    Returns number

    This method returns one of the following numbers:

    • 1 if calling range's ending column and calling range's ending row are equal row and column.
    • Otherwise, it returns the value after calling [[ compare()]].
  • Compares the row and column with the start and end [[Point]]'s of the calling range.


    • row: number

      A row to compare with

    • column: number

      A column to compare with

    Returns number

    This method returns one of the following numbers:

    • 1 if the ending row of the calling range is equal to row, and the ending column of the calling range is equal to column
    • -1 if the starting row of the calling range is equal to row, and the starting column of the calling range is equal to column
    • Otherwise, it returns the value after calling [[ compare()]].
  • Compares the row and column of p with the starting and ending [[Point]]'s of the calling range (by calling [[]]).


    • p: Point

      A point to compare with

    Returns number



  • Compares this range (A) with another range (B).


    • range: IRange

      A range to compare with

    Returns number

    This method returns one of the following numbers:

    • -2: (B) is in front of (A), and doesn't intersect with (A)
    • -1: (B) begins before (A) but ends inside of (A)
    • 0: (B) is completely inside of (A)
    • +1: (B) begins inside of (A) but ends outside of (A)
    • +2: (B) is after (A) and doesn't intersect with (A)
    • 42: FTW state: (B) ends in (A) but starts outside of (A)



  • Compares the row and column with the starting and ending [[Point]]'s of the calling range.


    • row: number

      A row to compare with

    • column: number

      A column to compare with

    Returns number

    This method returns one of the following numbers:

    • -1 if calling range's starting column and calling range's starting row are equal row and column
    • Otherwise, it returns the value after calling [[ compare()]].
  • Returns true if the row and column provided are within the given range. This can better be expressed as returning true if:

       this.start.row <= row <= this.end.row &&
    this.start.column <= column <= this.end.column


    • row: number

      A row to check for

    • column: number

      A column to check for

    Returns boolean



  • Checks the start and end [[Point]]'s of range and compares them to the calling range. Returns true if the range is contained within the caller's range.


    • range: IRange

      A range to compare with

    Returns boolean



  • Changes the row and column for the calling range for both the starting and ending [[Point]]'s.


    • row: number

      A new row to extend to

    • column: number

      A new column to extend to

    Returns Range

    The original range with the new row

  • Returns true if the row and column are within the given range.


    • row: number

      A row to compare with

    • column: number

      A column to compare with

    Returns boolean



  • Returns true if the row and column are within the given range's ending [[Point]].


    • row: number

      A row to compare with

    • column: number

      A column to compare with

    Returns boolean



  • Returns true if the row and column are within the given range's starting [[Point]].


    • row: number

      A row to compare with

    • column: number

      A column to compare with

    Returns boolean



  • Returns true if passed in range intersects with the one calling this method.


    • range: IRange

      A range to compare with

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if the calling range is empty (starting [[Point]] == ending [[Point]]).

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if the caller's ending row is the same as row, and if the caller's ending column is the same as column.


    • row: number

      A row to compare with

    • column: number

      A column to compare with

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if and only if the starting row and column, and ending row and column, are equivalent to those given by range.


    • range: IRange

      A range to check against

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if the range spans across multiple lines.

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if the caller's starting row is the same as row, and if the caller's starting column is the same as column.


    • row: number

      A row to compare with

    • column: number

      A column to compare with

    Returns boolean

  • Experimental

    Shift the calling range by row and column values.


    • row: number
    • column: number

    Returns void

  • Sets the starting row and column for the range.


    • row: number | Point

      A row to set

    • Optional column: number

      A column to set

    Returns void

  • Sets the starting row and column for the range.


    • row: number | Point

      A row to set

    • Optional column: number

      A column to set

    Returns void

  • Given the current Range, this function converts those starting and ending [[Point]]'s into screen positions, and then returns a new Range object.


    • session: EditSession

      The EditSession to retrieve coordinates from

    Returns Range

  • Returns a string containing the range's row and column information, given like this:

       [start.row/start.column] -> [end.row/end.column]

    Returns string

  • Compares p1 and p2 [[Point]]'s, useful for sorting


    • p1: Point
    • p2: Point

    Returns number

  • Creates and returns a new Range based on the start [[Point]] and end [[Point]] of the given parameters.


    • start: Point

      A starting point to use

    • end: Point

      An ending point to use

    Returns Range

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