Interface EditorMultiSelectProperties

interface EditorMultiSelectProperties {
    addSelectionMarker: ((orientedRange) => Range & {
        marker?: any;
    alignCursors: (() => void);
    exitMultiSelectMode: (() => void);
    findAll: ((needle?, options?, additive?) => number);
    forEachSelection: ((cmd, args?, options?) => void);
    getSelectedText: (() => string);
    inMultiSelectMode?: boolean;
    multiSelect?: any;
    removeSelectionMarker: ((range) => void);
    removeSelectionMarkers: ((ranges) => void);
    selectMore: ((dir, skip?, stopAtFirst?) => void);
    selectMoreLines: ((dir, skip?) => void);
    transposeSelections: ((dir) => void);
    updateSelectionMarkers: (() => void);


addSelectionMarker: ((orientedRange) => Range & {
    marker?: any;

Adds the selection and cursor.

Type declaration

    • (orientedRange): Range & {
          marker?: any;
    • Adds the selection and cursor.


      • orientedRange: Range & {
            marker?: any;

        A range containing a cursor

      Returns Range & {
          marker?: any;

Param: orientedRange

A range containing a cursor

alignCursors: (() => void)

Aligns the cursors or selected text.

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Aligns the cursors or selected text.

      Returns void

exitMultiSelectMode: (() => void)

Removes all the selections except the last added one.

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Removes all the selections except the last added one.

      Returns void

findAll: ((needle?, options?, additive?) => number)

Finds and selects all the occurrences of needle.

Type declaration

    • (needle?, options?, additive?): number
    • Finds and selects all the occurrences of needle.


      • Optional needle: string

        The text to find

      • Optional options: Partial<Ace.SearchOptions>

        The search options

      • Optional additive: boolean


      Returns number

      The cumulative count of all found matches

Param: needle

The text to find

Param: options

The search options

Param: additive



The cumulative count of all found matches

forEachSelection: ((cmd, args?, options?) => void)

Executes a command for each selection range.

Type declaration

    • (cmd, args?, options?): void
    • Executes a command for each selection range.


      • cmd: Object

        The command to execute

      • Optional args: string

        Any arguments for the command

      • Optional options: Object

      Returns void

Param: cmd

The command to execute

Param: args

Any arguments for the command

getSelectedText: (() => string)

Type declaration

    • (): string
    • Returns string

inMultiSelectMode?: boolean
multiSelect?: any
removeSelectionMarker: ((range) => void)

Removes the selection marker.

Type declaration

    • (range): void
    • Removes the selection marker.


      • range: Range & {
            marker?: any;

        The selection range added with [[Editor.addSelectionMarker addSelectionMarker()]].

      Returns void

Param: range

The selection range added with [[Editor.addSelectionMarker addSelectionMarker()]].

removeSelectionMarkers: ((ranges) => void)

Type declaration

    • (ranges): void
    • Parameters

      • ranges: (Range & {
            marker?: any;

      Returns void

selectMore: ((dir, skip?, stopAtFirst?) => void)

Finds the next occurrence of text in an active selection and adds it to the selections.

Type declaration

    • (dir, skip?, stopAtFirst?): void
    • Finds the next occurrence of text in an active selection and adds it to the selections.


      • dir: number

        The direction of lines to select: -1 for up, 1 for down

      • Optional skip: boolean

        If true, removes the active selection range

      • Optional stopAtFirst: boolean

      Returns void

Param: dir

The direction of lines to select: -1 for up, 1 for down

Param: skip

If true, removes the active selection range

selectMoreLines: ((dir, skip?) => void)

Adds a cursor above or below the active cursor.

Type declaration

    • (dir, skip?): void
    • Adds a cursor above or below the active cursor.


      • dir: number

        The direction of lines to select: -1 for up, 1 for down

      • Optional skip: boolean

        If true, removes the active selection range

      Returns void

Param: dir

The direction of lines to select: -1 for up, 1 for down

Param: skip

If true, removes the active selection range

transposeSelections: ((dir) => void)

Transposes the selected ranges.

Type declaration

    • (dir): void
    • Transposes the selected ranges.


      • dir: number

        The direction to rotate selections

      Returns void

Param: dir

The direction to rotate selections

updateSelectionMarkers: (() => void)

Updates the cursor and marker layers.

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Updates the cursor and marker layers.

      Returns void

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