
  • Parameters

    • session: EditSession
    • Optional options: {
          markerType: "line" | "fullLine";

      Options controlling the behvaiour of the marker. User markerType to control how the markers which are part of this group will be rendered:

      • undefined: uses text type markers where only text characters within the range will be highlighted.
      • fullLine: will fully highlight all the rows within the range, including the characters before and after the range on the respective rows.
      • line: will fully highlight the lines within the range but will only cover the characters between the start and end of the range.
      • markerType: "line" | "fullLine"

    Returns MarkerGroup


markerType: "line" | "fullLine"
markers: MarkerGroupItem[]
session: EditSession


  • Finds the first marker containing pos


    • pos: Point

    Returns MarkerGroupItem

  • Comparator for Array.sort function, which sorts marker definitions by their positions


    Returns number

    negative number if a should be before b, positive number if b should be before a, 0 otherwise.

  • Sets marker definitions to be rendered. Limits the number of markers at MAX_MARKERS.


    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • html: any
    • markerLayer: Marker
    • session: EditSession
    • config: LayerConfig

    Returns void

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